10 Foods to Lower Blood Sugar
9 min read
Blood sugar is the main sugar in the blood. We get sugar from the foods we eat in our daily lives. This sugar is an important source of energy and provides nutrients to the body's organs, muscles and nervous system.
Every person has blood sugar at a certain level but when it decreases or increases from a certain level, it becomes a disease.
To keep blood sugar under control, we need to pay attention to the food list in our daily life. You should also avoid taking any medications that may cause blood sugar to rise or fall. In today's topics we will discuss how to lower blood sugar. There is no substitute for regular exercise to lower blood sugar. However, there are certain foods that can keep blood sugar under control, let's know what those foods are.
To keep blood sugar under control, we need to pay attention to the food list in our daily life. You should also avoid taking any medications that may cause blood sugar to rise or fall. In today's topics we will discuss how to lower blood sugar. There is no substitute for regular exercise to lower blood sugar. However, there are certain foods that can keep blood sugar under control, let's know what those foods are.
Article Contents
1. Bitter gourd Lower Your Blood Sugar
Bitter gourd or bitter gourd is a familiar vegetable in our daily diet. Studies have shown that eating bitter gourd regularly can lower blood sugar.
In bitter gourd, the sugar-lowering carbohydrate Net Carbohydtarte lowers blood sugar due to its high sugar-lowering fiber.
Many studies have shown that bitter gourd contains substances that act like insulin. so understand how important bitter gourd is for lowering blood sugar. moreover, bitter gourd is a low calorie food that reduces body weight.
2. Broccoli to reduce sugar
Broccoli is a popular vegetable in our daily cooking. It looks a lot like cauliflower, the color is a little darker green than the color of cauliflower. These are more common in winter. Broccoli vegetable is also very beneficial for health. Broccoli is a vegetable that is especially effective in lowering blood sugar. Broccoli vegetables contain antioxidants, flavonoids, lutein, carotenoids, beta-carotene and zeaxanthin, which prevent many serious diseases. in particular, Broccoli extract has potent antidiabetic effects, helping to increase insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar and oxidative stress markers.
Studies have shown that broccoli is very beneficial for increasing sulforaphane levels.
3. Seafood lowers blood sugar
Marine fish and shellfish contain a lot of protein, which is very important and beneficial for our health picture. It contains a variety of vitamins, marine fish and shellfish, sources of minerals and antioxidants can help control blood sugar levels. We know protein is essential for managing sugar, it increases detoxification and lowers our blood sugar levels as well as reducing excess body fat. That is why our blood sugar cannot increase.
Marine fish like salmon and sardines are high in protein and keep blood sugar levels under control
A study on marine fish found that overweight or obese adults who ate fatty fish had significant improvements in their blood sugar levels.
4. Pumpkin and Pumpkin Seeds:
Pumpkin contains fiber and antioxidants, which are very effective in controlling our blood sugar. Because pumpkins are high in carbohydrates called polysaccharides, which regulate their blood sugar. Both pumpkin extract and powder are used as herbal medicine. Pumpkin has excellent medicinal properties to lower blood sugar levels.
A study in 2018, found that consuming (65 grams) of pumpkin seeds resulted in better blood sugar control.
5. Nuts can reduce blood sugar
Nuts contain vitamins, minerals, calcium, unsaturated fatty acids, which help to reduce blood sugar.
Recently, a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Ref) found that eating 20 grams of almonds 30 minutes before a meal helped control blood sugar levels.
In particular, the anti-oxidants of Chinese nuts are particularly effective in eradicating diabetes.
There are many types of nuts, among them three types of nuts work very well in blood sugar control, they are Chinese nuts, walnuts and peanuts.
6. Okra lower blood sugar
Okra is a very familiar vegetable in our cuisine. But you know what? This okra has many nutritional properties.
Okra is very beneficial in early stages of diabetes. Studies have shown that people who eat Okra regularly have better control of blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Eating okra regularly can lower cholesterol levels. This vegetable contains high levels of fiber, which is effective in treating diabetes. Okra not only cures diabetes, but also improves digestion and helps in weight control.
7. Beans and lentils
Lentils contain minerals, micro and macro elements. That is why lentils are called the storehouse of vitamins. Not only is it rich in vitamins, lentils or beans regulate blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes.
8. Cucumber
According to nutritionists, cucumbers are rich in fiber. Blood sugar is controlled by eating cucumber. . Cucumber lowers blood sugar levels. Diabetes is controlled by eating cucumber every morning on an empty stomach. Also, cucumber removes the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. Cucumber is very effective in reducing weight and controlling blood pressure.
9. Egg
Eggs contain albumin protein, it is not found in any food other than eggs. This albumin is very useful for our body.
Studies have shown that eggs are effective in controlling diabetes.
Eggs are a great source of healthy fats, which help control diabetes.
Also contained in eggs. Vitamin B, biotin, thiamin which help us maintain the health of our skin, hair and nails.
10. Carrot
Carrots are very helpful in controlling cholesterol and blood sugar. According to experts, the potassium present in carrots controls blood sugar. Carrots are very low in calories and burn fat, thus reducing weight easily. Apart from this, the plant has many nutrients, eating carrots in hot weather keeps the body cool and eliminates dehydration.
Carrots contain vitamins A, C, K, B6, potassium and phosphorus. Which protects the body from germs and bacteria of various diseases.
Finally, the mentioned food lists can keep a person's blood sugar under control, but they cannot completely get rid of blood sugar. Excess blood sugar is a symptom of diabetes, so if someone has excess blood sugar, then they must seek treatment with the advice of a doctor