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Some basic headache remedies

1 min read
Headache is one of the common diseases that almost all people have more or less, headache is a little more sensitive than other pains in the body, because when there are other pains in the body, normal activities can be done, but when there is a headache, the mind does not sit for any work. We can have headache due to various reasons, excessive thinking, sinusitis, lack of sleep etc.
Let's know what medicines we can initially take when headache starts.

Some basic headache remedies

Some of the common medicines for headaches are:

  • Paracetamol: It is commonly used to help with headache, fever and other body aches. Paracetamol can be taken initially for headache
  • Aspirin: When the headache is a little more than usual, you can take Aspirin. It helps in reducing headache as well as fever.
  • Ibuprofen: Ibuprofen is an effective headache medicine. It is also used to reduce headaches and other types of pain like paracetamol.
  • Nitriptyline (Naproxen): It is used to reduce headache and fever, but it is also known as an anti-inflammatory drug. So it should not be consumed excessively or without doctor's advice.
  • Triptans: It is used for migraines, people who suffer from headaches and migraines can take triptans.
  • Nitriptyline (Naproxen): This also helps reduce headache and fever. It is used as an anti-inflammatory. You can take this medicine only to relieve headache.
Alertness: All these medicines initially cure our disease but they have site effects. These drugs can damage any organ including the kidneys.
If you are interested in using these medicines personally, first take the doctor's advice, the doctor can prescribe the medicine after knowing the condition of your disease and the condition of other diseases in the body.

Some important instructions to know before using these medicines:

Doctor's advice: If you are interested in using one or more of these medicines, it is important to consult a doctor before taking the medicine. The doctor can help you see if you need medication for your current condition, or if you have a specific condition.
Correct dosage and duration: It is important to follow the correct dosage and duration of medicines. Take the medicine exactly as prescribed by the doctor, never take more medicine.
Alertness: Alertness must be exercised while taking all of these pain relievers, especially in pregnancy, diabetes, heart disease, or other medical conditions.
Changing medications and consulting a doctor: If any headache medication does not work or if any interactions occur, contact a doctor immediately.
In this case, the doctor can review your physical condition and change the current medicine and give other medicines.
Remember, if you experience a headache problem and it lasts for a long time or worsens, it is important to consult a doctor, rather than neglecting it.
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