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What should be the diet of diabetics?

4 min read
In recent times, the rate of diabetes has been on the rise. Once upon a time, we knew that diabetes occurs with age. Due to aging, diabetes occurs when the immune system of the body decreases. But now that has changed, diabetes can occur at any age.
There is no permanent cure for diabetes, it can be controlled with medication and regular rotation. If the sugar level in the body decreases or increases, the problem of diabetes becomes acute.
A healthy diet and daily routine will help keep your diabetes under control. At the same time, it will provide the necessary energy to the body and help to stay physically and mentally well.

What should be the diet of diabetics?

What should be the diet of a diabetic patient?

It is not the case that you have to give up certain foods if you have diabetes. You can eat all the foods but it depends on the quantity. Basically your diet depends on the level of diabetes you have.
Three things are particularly important in this regard—
Don't eat the same food every day: The foods you eat every day should not be continuous. It means to vary the food every day, sometimes you can eat fruits, sometimes vegetables, sometimes flour bread, potatoes, rice.
Foods to reduce: Sugar, salt and fatty foods should be completely reduced, i.e. not as much as they should be.
Timely eating: Timely eating is very important for a diabetic patient. Breakfast, lunch and dinner should be taken at the same time and no meal should be skipped.
If you have to change your diet, don't change your diet in one day. Try to make this change a little at a time every week. It is better not to try to change your diet completely.

What should be included in the diet of a diabetic patient

A healthy and balanced diet should include the following foods in the diet of a diabetic patient.
  • Vegetables and fruits: Vegetables should be eaten in small amounts every day.
  • Foods rich in protein: such as flour bread or bread
  • Protein rich food. For example: eggs, fish, meat, pulses, different types of nuts.
  • Milk and dairy products. For example: curd, chickpeas and cheese
A man's daily life food depends on his age and physical labor. And it depends on what routine you have followed to control your weight and diabetes. Diet for diabetes control should be balanced. A balanced diet means eating more of certain foods and less of other foods.
In order to meet the nutritional needs of the body, all types of food should be kept in the food list.
Which of these foods will keep your heart healthy and none of them will keep your blood sugar under control so you should maintain the right balance in your diet. Let's find out how a healthy diet can keep your diabetes under control.
Now I am highlighting the importance of five foods, benefits, how much to eat from which group and what you can eat.

Protein-rich foods

A person's daily protein needs must be met. Keeping our body and muscles healthy by meeting the daily protein needs. Eggs and fish-meat have a lot of protein. So these foods should be kept in the regular diet, but it must be eaten in quantity.
The amount of red meat (such as beef, mutton and lamb) should be reduced from the diet, because eating too much of it can lead to diseases such as heart problems and cancer, so only the amount needed to meet the normal protein needs should be consumed.
Also, seaweed contains a lot of protein which protects our heart. Other protein rich foods include chickpeas, beans, pulses, nuts and seeds.

Benefits of protein-rich foods

  • Fiber in protein-rich foods helps keep the digestive system healthy.
  • Certain white foods help lower blood sugar levels.

Fruits and vegetables

Many people think that if you have diabetes, you cannot eat fruits or vegetables, this is not true. If you have diabetes, you can eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Because vegetables or fruits are full of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Moreover, vegetables add new flavor and variety to our daily cooking.
Besides, diabetics can also eat fruits. You can eat all kinds of fruits and vegetables in order to meet the needs of different types of vitamins, vitamins and minerals in the body.
So it is very important to keep fruits and vegetables in the daily diet.

Benefits of eating fruits and vegetables

  • Helps the digestive system to function properly.
  • Protects the body from various heart problems, stroke and cancer.

Carbohydrate-rich foods

Rice, bread, potato, bread, kanchkala these are the food rich in swasha. These foods are rich in sugar. It is broken down into glucose inside our body.
He can eat sugar-rich foods as much as the daily amount. But don't eat too much sugar-rich foods because these foods increase the level of glucose in our body, making it very difficult to control diabetes. These foods are called high 'glycemic index' foods.
We should eat foods with low glycemic index. For example, you can eat red rice, basmati rice, red flour bread, red flour bread. They have low glucose levels, so diabetes can be controlled.

Benefits of carbohydrate-rich foods

  • The fiber in carbohydrate-rich foods helps keep the digestive system healthy.
  • Certain sugar-rich foods help lower blood sugar levels.

Milk and dairy products

Milk, cheese and curd contain a lot of calcium and protein. It is very useful in the formation of bones, teeth and muscles in our body.
But some milk and dairy foods contain a lot of fat, which increases our blood cholesterol levels, so it is better not to eat a lot of milk and dairy foods. Therefore, you can eat other foods instead of these foods, but make sure that those foods are low in sugar.

Benefits of milk and milk products

  • Beneficial for bone and teeth formation
  • Keeps your muscles healthy

Fats and various oils

Diabetics need to have some fatty foods in their daily diet. However, the level of saturated fat should be low. Because saturated fat increases the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, which subsequently increases the risk of various heart diseases and strokes. Some oils are high in saturated fat—such as coconut oil, palm oil, and butter. So you can use any other oil as an alternative to these oils.

Benefits of Fats and Oils

  • Unsaturated fats keep your heart healthy

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